Monday, 15 October 2021
Metcon for all classes:
"Hold On" [Sweat]
6 Rounds on the 4:00
1000 Meter Bike
10 Strict Press (45/35)
20 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (45/35)
Remaining time. . .
Rounds 1-2 Max Plank Hold
Rounds 3-4 Max Hollow Body Hold
Rounds 5-6 Max Seated L Sit Hold
*Score = Sum Total Time accumulated in Hold
"Hold On" [Compete/Train]
6 Rounds on the 4:00
1000 Meter Bike
10 Strict Press (75/55)
20 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (75/55)
Remaining time. . .
Rounds 1-2 Max Plank Hold
Rounds 3-4 Max Hollow Body Hold
Rounds 5-6 Max Seated L Sit Hold
*Score = Sum Total Time accumulated in Hold