Crop Top Tuesday, 09 November 2021
5FRx SLEEP To help our quality of sleep, let’s try to not have caffeine after NOON! The mean half-life of caffeine in plasma of healthy...
Monday, 08 November 2021
5FRx NUTRITION This week let's focus on awareness of what is in our "food" Let's take a look at the ingredients lists and labels of what...

Friday, 05 Novemberrrr 2021
Damn it's getting cold... brrrr 5FRx “Don't waste your time chasing butterflies. Mend your garden, and the butterflies will come.” -Mario...

Tuesday, 02 November 2021
5FRx SLEEP The gold standard of sleep is 8 hours every night. (yeah right as if.. HD) One way we can help set ourselves up for sleep...